E shkuara duhet lënë pas, por a duhet harruar ajo?
Ky është një debat i ndezur së fundmi online pas një ‘përplasje’ mes Prishtinës dhe Tiranës për çështjen se si duhet të vijë pajtimi me Serbinë.
Në mesin e këtij debati vjen ky koleksion me foto nga Alex Majoli, realizuar në Kosovë në marsin e vitit 1998, pas sulmit të forcave serbe në Prekaz.
Fotot tregojnë edhe protestat që pasuan masakrën në zonën e Drenicës.
Pamjet janë shumë të rënda, prandaj këshillohet të bëni kujdes kur të shfletoni fotogalerinë.
KOSOVO. Pristina. Ethnic Albanians demonstrate against Serb aggression. March 9th, 1998.YUGOSLAVIA. Kosovo. Pristina. Demonstrator seen through an Albanian flag. March 1998.EX-YUGOSLAVIA. Kosovo, Pristina. Some of the 53 victims of the massacre at Prekaz. March 9th, 1998.KOSOVO. Pristina. Demonstration against Serb brutality. Demonstrator with Albanian national symbol. March 8th, 1998.
KOSOVO. Pristina. Demonstration against Serb brutality. Demonstrators hold white paper for peace. March 8th, 1998.KOSOVO. Pristina. Villagers from Prekaz after identifying family victims of the massacre. March 10th, 1998.KOSOVO. Drenica region. Villagers from Prekaz bury their dead. March 11th, 1998.KOSOVO. Drenica region. Villagers from Prekaz bury their dead. March 11th, 1998.KOSOVO. Drenica region. Refugees from Prekaz, village attacked by Serb police. 1998.KOSOVO. Drenica region. Smoke rising from Prekaz, village attacked by Serb police. 1998.KOSOVO. Drenica region. Villagers from Prekaz bury their dead. March 11th, 1998.KOSOVO. Drenica region. Villagers from Prekaz bury their dead. March 11th, 1998.KOSOVO. Drenica region. Villagers from Prekaz bury their dead. March 11th, 1998.KOSOVO. Pristina. Refugees from the Drenica region, scene of Serb police action. March 9th, 1998.KOSOVO. Drenica Region. Villagers survey the damage caused by the Serb attack on Prekaz. March 11th, 1998.Kosovo. Drenica region. 11th March . Villagers survey the damage caused by the Serb attack on Prekaz. Ethnic Albanians in the southern Yugoslav province of Kosovo have been demonstrating against Serb rule in what is a predominantly Albanian region. Demonstrations in Pristina were broken up with brutal force, serving to galvanise support against the Serb authorities, however the alleged “ethnic cleansing” of villages in the Drenica region, and in particular the village of Prekaz, where at least 46 people are known to have died, has led to political intervention from the International Community. In an attempt to stop the region from sliding into another Bosnia-style conflict, these pictures show refugees from Prekaz, who were forced to flee the village and hide in woodland & neighbouring houses. 1998