10 vjet pas cunamit

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10- vjetori i cunamit shkatërrimtar në Azi, që shkaktoi mbi 230 mijë viktima, duke u bërë kështu një nga fatkeqësitë më të rënda në historinë e njerëzimit.

Cunami u provokua nga një tërmet me magnitudë 9.1 ballë, që godoti në bregun perëndimor të Sumatrës në Indonezi.

Ceremonitë kryesore të përkujtimit mbahen në Tajlandë dhe Indonezi, dy vendet më të goditura nga tragjedia.

Dhjetë vite më vonë, zonat e goditura nga cunami janë rindërtuar, por dhimbja ka mbetur.

Banda Aceh ishte vendi me më shumë viktima, rreth 170 mijë.

Më poshtë është një video e momenteve të para kur godet cunami.

Ajo është realizuar nga Anukul Charoenkul. Në video shihet se si një person i vetmuar qëndron përpara dallgës, e cila e përfshin me shpejtësi.



A scene of devastation covers the tsunami hit Indonesian City of Banda Aceh. Ten years on a cart drives by in Taman Sari Park prior to the tenth anniversary commemoration which is to be held hereAn aerial shot taken from a US Navy Seahawk helicopter from carrier USS Abraham Lincoln shows devastation caused by the Indian Ocean tsunami to the west of Aceh in 2004. The same aerial view today paints a much prettier picture Workers burn debris as they clean up downtown Banda Aceh on Indonesia's Sumatra island where in 2004 surrounding houses and buildings were heavily damaged. A photograph taken at the same location this month shows a very different sceneIn 2004 the devastated district of Banda Aceh in Indonesia is a sea of debris and destruction. Ten years on it is virtually unrecognisable Acehnese walk amid dead bodies and debris thrown around by the tsunami that hit the Indonesian City of Banda Aceh, Indonesia. But ten years on in exactly the same place it's like the horrific scene never happenedA woman offers prayers on a tiled memorial wall displaying names of victims from the Asian tsunami, in Phang Nga, Ban Nam Khem province, Thailand, on FridayOnly flooded fields of desolation can be seen in this aerial shot taken in 2004 after the tsunami hit the west of Aceh. A decade later it looks like the perfect scene of peace and tranquiltyRefugee children try to catch relief goods tossed from an Australian military helicopter in a rice paddy in Lampaya, on the outskirts of Banda Aceh, Indonesia during the 2004 tsunamiAnother Acehnese woman cries as she holds a child during a mass prayer at the Ule Lhuee mass grave in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, on FridayAn Acehnese father and son pray on Friday at the Ule Lhuee mass grave in Banda Aceh, Indonesia

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